Libations, Winter

Hot Chocolate Two Ways


**Cue the music! “Oh the weather outside is….”** Turn on any major or local news network right now and the hot topic is the frigid, freezing weather from north to south and east to west of these United States of A. In northern Wyoming where Mom and Pop are it’s a balmy -26 degrees F. Here in the Mid-South, a frosty 19 degrees F. Key West, where The Hubby would love to be, is sitting somewhat sunny at 72.

Folks in our neck of the world are gearing up for a frozen apocalypse (guess there was a major ice storm in ’94 that chilled out a week of their lives). Lines of shoppers with carts crammed with toilet paper, bottled water, and assorted lunch meats, among other things, were snaked down and around the aisle of our local megamart. Shelves looks eerily like they did during the 2020 Rona apocalypse. Us? We stay stocked up for the second coming of something, so it’s just another day at the Funny Farm! Son B and I figure we’ll just warm up with hot chocolate, break out a Lego set to build, and tune the idiot box to something senseless. Our adoring public (aka The Zoo) keeps wondering why we haven’t left the cozy comforts of the couch. LOL!

I don’t know about you, but there are times when I want instant hot cocoa gratification. But today, of all days, my usual stash of Swiss Miss was gone and I was at a crossroads–forego a steamy cup of liquid chocolate, or put on real pants to battle the crowds looking for a box of mix most likely NOT on the shelves. **Light bulb moment!**

If you check the cabinets, hot cocoa may come! (Like the reference to Field of Dreams?). With a little ingenuity and internet research (and not wanting to get out of sweats), wha-la! An instant hot cocoa recipe was concocted. The first hot chocolate recipe below makes a big batch…like around 6-7 cups worth of mix chocked full of dark cocoa powder, powdered sugar and milk, and a touch of cornstarch to thicken. A 1/4 cup of mix, more or less, added to hot milk or water hits the spot!

And since I’m on a hot cocoa crusade, I switched from the instant hot cocoa mix of my childhood to an adultified thick, creamy, sinful hot chocolate. This almost pudding like version is not for the feign of dark chocolate heart. Think dessert at this point–whole milk and heavy cream combine with cocoa powder, powdered sugar, vanilla, and semisweet chocolate. Top it with whipped cream and it’s game on…literally if you’re turning on a Sunday football game. (For those of you feeling frisky, add an ounce or two of your favorite spirit like peppermint schnapps, amaretto, Bailey’s Irish Cream, or Godiva chocolate liqueur.). Whatever your location, or hot cocoa preference, stay warm!


Hot Chocolate Mix

Made with pantry friendly staples like cocoa powder, powdered sugar and milk, add a heaping scoop to hot milk or water for an instant hot cocoa fix!

  • Author: Erin Thomas
  • Prep Time: 15 Minutes
  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: About 2022 Servings 1x



3 cups powdered sugar, sifted

1 cup cocoa powder (dark or regular Dutch-processed), sifted

21/2 cups powdered milk

21/2 tsp. cornstarch

1 tsp. fine grain sea salt or kosher salt


Using a wire sieve, sift together ingredients into a large bowl.  If necessary, sift twice to mix well. Store in an airtight container like a quart jar for up to a year.

To make hot cocoa, pour 8 ounces of hot milk or hot water over 1/4 cup hot chocolate mix (or more to taste) in a mug.  Stir well.  Top with whipped cream or marshmallows.

Did you make this recipe?

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Sinfully Rich Drinking Chocolate

With an almost pudding like thickness and ultra-chocolately decadence, this hot chocolate is easy to make.  Enjoy with whipped cream for an after dinner delight.

  • Author: Erin Thomas
  • Cook Time: 15 Minutes
  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: 34 Servings 1x



13/4 cup whole milk

1/4 cup heavy cream

1 tsp. vanilla

1/3 cup powdered sugar

1/4 cup cocoa powder

1/2 tsp. fine grain sea salt or kosher salt

3/4 cup (6 oz.) chocolate chips, semi-sweet or dark

Whipped cream


In a saucepan, over medium heat, combine milk, cream and vanilla.  Bring to a simmer.   Sift together powdered sugar, cocoa powder and salt; and whisk into milk until smooth.  Reduce heat to low and add chocolate chips.  Whisk until smooth.  Pour into mugs and top with whipped cream.

Hot chocolate will thicken as it cools.  To reheat, stir over low heat until hot again.  Do not boil.

Did you make this recipe?

Share a photo and tag us — we can’t wait to see what you’ve made!
